Preschool training is a essential part for the improvement of our children. It is a time when children genuinely start to learn important lifestyle abilities and also prepare them for their instructional destiny. The early education period is clearly an essential time for gaining knowledge, and enrolling children in the proper preschool faculty can sincerely help your baby achieve high-quality benefits.
Here are some benefits of art projects in preschool-
- Benefits of learning colours
Teaching an infant something is quite difficult, and with regards to teaching colours, it’s an assignment in itself. This is due to the fact that there are various contrasting colours around us, and a child can get confused while getting to know the names of colours and what they seem like. By introducing colours with fun games and activities to children; will help them show more interest in them rather than just burdening them.
Here are some fun activities for children to learn colours.
- Take pictures of different colours on paper & ask kids to colour the pictures according to the colours on the paper. It’s a fun activity that encourages kids.
- Painting fingers with different colours gives different levels of excitement. Kids become happy and learn colours very easily. For this, you need to give colours and a plain sheet to the kids. Let them use their fingers to create beautiful, colourful pictures. Appreciate and encourage the painting they have formed.
- Singing songs about colours. There are many good songs about colours; introduce them to your kids, and they will learn them cheerfully.
2. Benefits of learning different shapes.
Learning shapes not only helps children identify and organize visual information, it also helps them learn skills in other curriculum areas, including reading, math, and science. For example, an early step in understanding numbers and letters is to recognize their shape. A fun way to help your child learn shapes is to make a shape-hunting game. Cut a shape out of paper and have fun searching your house for objects that match that shape.
Here are some activities that can help children learn shapes easily.
- Use clay
Use Clay, Children love to play with clay, so use this for their education. Make 2D objects & let children also make them. Correct them if they make mistakes.
- 2D Shape Chart
Make a chart of 2D shapes & hang it in your kids room. Let them see it and refer to it daily. Ask them to say the names of the shapes twice a day until they get to know the shapes.
- Shape Songs
Songs and rhymes are great educational tools for kids. You can help your child learn the name of 2D shapes with the help of shape songs.
- Read books about shapes.
There are various books on shapes. Read them to your kids; they will learn about shapes very easily and will find them interesting as well.
3. Benefits of learning how to count-
Toddlers can start counting when they are about two years old. The best thing to do is let your child be curious about numbers. As long as children enjoy learning how to count, you can always teach them.
- Start by showing your toddler all of your fingers, from pinky to thumb. Point to each finger one by one, and say the number that corresponds with each finger in order.
You can say a random number of objects first, then show your child all of the corresponding fingers after counting objects, so he or she knows how many objects there are in total. It’s okay if a child says the wrong number during this exercise. As long as they are practicing and trying, that’s extremely beneficial. Your toddler will get it right after repeated exposure.
Art projects help your children grow. They make them curious and let them learn different things around them. They prepare your child for kindergarten as well. Here at Knewtone International School, we have many different forms of art projects that our children enjoy. Visit us to learn more.